Saturday, April 16, 2011

Atomic Cake

From left: U.S. Navy Vice Admiral William H. P. Blandy, his wife, and Rear Admiral Frank J. Lowry cut a cake made in the shape of a mushroom cloud at a reception for Operation Crossroads, November 6, 1946. More atomic culture here and here.

Christian Marclay's LP album-cover collages

More here.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A wheel within a wheel, with rims full of eyes all around


Twin Portal from Konx-om-Pax on Vimeo.



Slot Hum from Sculpture on Vimeo.

Plus one more from the same source:

Demonstration Reel from Sculpture on Vimeo.



From 20 Jazz-Funk Greats, with a taste of their entertaining sci-fi commentary:

"Adult. were that blinding beacon of paranoia awaiting at home after a cocaine-fuelled night in the Electroclah Babylon. The half glimpsed hallucination of a Bauhaus tiger with stroboscopic eyes snarling from your surgical looking chaise longue.

"Their greatness, never doubted, hit us again while we were picking some tunes for the most excellent T O N G U E S night a couple of weeks ago. It is a testament to the madness of the early noughts that they were considered a ‘party band’, when in all honesty they were cartographers of a geography of serrated edges, autobahns of modernity built on a regolith of psychosis and future shock."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011